Our Meetings

Remembrance Meeting
Sundays 10AM - 11:15AM

The Remembrance Meeting is the central point of our gatherings. 
We are told through the Bible, that we are to do this to remember our Lord Jesus Christ, until He comes.   
This meeting consists of partaking of the bread (which signifies His broken body) and the wine (which signifies His blood that He shed)
Each celebration of the Lord’s Supper includes praising and thanksgiving on Christ’s  life, death and resurrection remembering and reflecting on the Lord Jesus Christ, of His willing sacrifice on the cross.

Gospel Meeting
Sundays 7PM - 8PM

The gospel delivers the message that Christ died for our sins, He was buried and raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.
Each week, different speakers will present the gospel using a variety of Scripture passages as they present a clear message about God’s way of salvation.
The preaching is based on the Word of God. The Lord Jesus Christ is at the center of our preaching.

Prayer & Bible Reading
Tuesdays 7:30PM - 8:30PM

Online Only
Please contact us for Livestream link

During this short prayer session, the responsibility is led by the brethren of the assembly which are given the opportunity to pray, to call out together to the Lord for the needs of others.  
Lead by the brethren of the assembly, the Bible Readings are meant to encourage and teach the believers of what God is trying to speak to us in His Word. This time allows the brethren to ask questions and allow them to develop the answers together, using God’s Word, The Bible.